RHIO - Russian Heritage International Org. - Jerusalem Holy Land Center

Liaison Center for Russian Institutions, Agencies and Representations in Israel
Russian Presence in the Holy Land

Israel - Holy Land - Bureau - Jerusalem

President of Russia Moscow - Kremlin News

Rossotrudnichestvo - Near Eastern Russian Cultural Centers

Headoffice: Rossotrudnichestvo - Moscow
Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, compatriots living abroad and on international humanitarian cooperation
18/9 Vozdvizhenka, 125009 Moscow - Russian Federation, Phone:+7 (495) 690-12-45

MSRS (ICRC) - International Council for Russian Compatriots - Moscow
Novy Arbat 15, 2219 - Moscow, Russian Federation , 119019
Phone / Fax: +7 (495) 695-30-21, 695-31-70 - Phone: +7 (495) 690-51-00 - email:

And we will preserve you, Russian speech, The great Russian word.We will keep you free and pure,And pass you on to our grandchildren,Free from bondage forever! - Anna Akhmatova

Russian Traditions - Russian History - Russian Culture - Russian Literature - Russian Music - Russian Art - Russian Folklore - Russian Language -Russian Hospitality -Russian Peace Promotions

" Russia will always be a part of our Being,wherever we are - She will never forget us, nor will we ever forget her. "

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Webmaster:hgp-pro-internet international publishing - terra sancta - Святой Земли Иерусалим
for RMON PMOH-PYCHAC-RUSNAS.ORG - Russian Heritage International Org - Media - Internet Publications - Moscow - Berlin -Jerusalem
Founded June 2004 in Moscow - Russian Federation - all rights reserved - 2004 - 2010
Disclaimer:The Webmaster/PMOH-RHIO do not assume any responsibilty for external links and do not necessarily approve its contents.

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IMPORTANT NOTICE : PMOH-RUSNAS.ORG is not connected in any way to the Indonesian Company "Riset Unggulan Strategis Nasional- "RUSNAS"!

PMOH-RUSNAS.ORG or in English RHIO-Russian Heritage Intl Org is a Russian abbreviation .
PMOH is the cyrillic term for RMON - RUSsiiskaya Mezhdunarodnaya Organizatsiya NASlediya or in short RUS NAS - cyrillic : PYCHAC

You have reached a genuine Russian web-site published in English in the Holy Land - Terra Sancta